Owners of 600 Degrees Pizza plan new concept for Downtown Round Rock

When we hear rumblings of a new restaurant coming to Downtown Round Rock, we get pretty excited, but when we heard that the owners of 600 Degrees Pizzeria and Drafthouse were planning to locate a new concept right in the heart of Main Street, we just about flipped our pizza-lovin’ lids y’all!

Yep, you heard us right. Current owners of the Georgetown favorite, Mark Thompson and Mike Chang, have decided to make waves (the marinara kind) in Round Rock via the previous location of Svante’s Ranch Direct at 201 E Main St.

We don’t have all the deets just yet, but according to a recent article in Community Impact Newspaper, they plan to open as a nom-nom newbie to the downtown area in just a few short months.

More information on the menu and and the name of the new joint (Slap Box Pizzicheria) can be found here: https://communityimpact.com/austin/round-rock-pflugerville-hutto/dining/2017/06/20/georgetown-pizza-favorite-600-degrees-open-new-restaurant-round-rock/

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